Peachtree Performance Tuning

by May 7, 2009Technical, Tips & Tricks

Everyone wants their software to perform faster, right? Working with a specific application, however, and getting it to run faster on a network can be as much art as science. Here are five general tips for what you can do to improve the performance of Peachtree on your system if you are encountering poor performance. Some of these things are easy to do and can be handled by users, and some should be “tweaked” carefully and left for your “IT Specialist” to diddle with.

  1.  Tweak your anti-virus settings – Most anti-virus software allows you to define “exclusions” to virus checking. You should “exclude” the folder where you installed Peachtree on your local drive, as well as the folder and all subfolders on the server where your Peachtree data is stored. This will not likely put your computer in harm’s way; we have not heard of any malicious software ever infecting a Peachtree .DAT file.
  2. Free up local hard drive space – You should try to make sure that you have three times the size of your largest company database or 1 Gb, whichever is greater, available as free space on your local hard drive. If Peachtree needs to create a Windows “swap” file, this is where it will be parked. Running a “disk defrag” on the local drive to optimize the available storage space can also help in some situations.
  3. Edit your Peachtree global settings – There is a section on the “General” tab under the Global Settings menu that allows you to set up “smart data entry” rules. While enabling these settings can be handy and make the system more convenient to use, they can also contribute negatively to performance. Unchecking all of the checkboxes in this area may improve speed.
  4. Disable Events- This is an area of Peachtree that we find hardly anyone uses, but it may still be “activated” on your system. To turn this off (which can improve performance) click on Tasks, then Action Items, then click on the “Options” button on the Action Items menu bar. From the Options menu select the Transactions tab, and uncheck any of the boxes that are checked off in the “Create Event” column.
  5. Avoid duplicate transaction reference numbers – Peachtree allows you to use the same “reference number” (e.g., vendor invoice #, cash receipt ID, etc.) as long as you do not use it for the same “master record” (vendor, customer, etc.). However, using the same number over and over (e.g., “cash” for all deposits) causes the application to work harder when searching and storing information. Keeping all of your “reference numbers” unique to the greatest extent possible can improve performance. It can also make life much more pleasant in the unhappy event that you ever need to export and re-import your data; the import will sometimes reject duplicate reference numbers.

 Of course the most significant contributor to system performance is the size of your Peachtree database, and within that database the single biggest contributor is the Journal Row (JRNLROW.DAT) table within the database. This table holds ALL of your Peachtree transactions, and each time you search for a transaction record the system needs to read through that entire table to find the requested record.

 So, how big can this file safely grow to before performance becomes an issue? There is no hard and fast rule for this (still more art than science), but our general “rule of thumb” is to begin thinking about maintenance to your database when the journal row table approaches 150,000 total records, if you are using any version of Peachtree except Quantum. The more powerful Quantum product can gracefully accommodate three to four times that number of records without causing significant performance “degradation”.

 You can review the record count for all of your Peachtree tables by selecting Help | Customer Support and Service | File Statistics from the top menu bar within Peachtree.

 Once you have determined the overall size of your Peachtree database and viewed the record counts for the individual tables, you can make a judgment about purging some data. Purging is the process of physically removing selected records from the system, to shrink the overall size of the database. It can, however,  be a time consuming and technically daunting task, since there are any number of “gotchas” that can impede or abort the purge process.

We have assembled a set of instructions for performing Peachtree database purges on our website, which you can review by clicking here. In some circumstances it is more cost-effective to use an outside data repair service to fully purge records that are no longer needed in the system. And in all cases, it is good practice to make an “archive” copy of the database before starting a purge. Peachtree Premium makes the archiving process easy, but Peachtree Complete users can create “manual” database archives.

 Carefully following these “best practices” for Peachtree data storage will help you to get maximum performance from your Peachtree software.