Changing Sage 50 General Ledger Accounts
You may find it necessary, occasionally, to change a general ledger account...
New Pricing for Sage 50
Inflation comes to software, as it does to all other products these days. Sage...
Credit Card Processing in Sage 50 via PayInvoice
Payment of invoices by credit card significantly increased with the onset of...
Sage 50 Obsolescence Message
If you are using Sage 50 2021, when you open the application on or after March...
Sage 50 Remote Data Access – Pros and Cons
I confess to being a sceptic about Sage 50 Remote Data Access (formerly Sage...
Some Useful Links for You to Get Started
It seems like you’re running a default WordPress website. Here are a few...
AutoEntry for Sage 50 – A Well-kept Secret?
Almost by accident, we recently stumbled upon a 3rd party application for Sage...
Random Tax News You can Use
Extended personal tax due dates for 2020 IRS: Federal tax...
Taxes and COVID-19
We do not usually write articles about tax issues, but we recently found some...
Need to write a “one-off” check? here’s how
Occasionally you may have to write a check to pay a bill and will probably...